Friday, 18 December 2009

Thursday 17th December 2009 - Now Where Have I Heard That Name Before

          I'm off for another fun day at the courthouse and think it would be a good idea if I take some of the old maps with me.  My pocket camera has quite a large LCD on the back, and a facility for zooming in on bits of the picture.  So I plug it into the computer and copy the pictures back down.  Windows issues a stern warning that it won't work, but it does.  So now I have access to all the names on the old maps while I'm searching through the deeds.  See if that helps.
          This time I got back to 1845 before the trail collapsed (or whatever trails do).  The silly lawyer had pointed back to the wrong deed.  I begin to wonder if anyone at all here can prove they own their house.  This time I get landed on a deed of trust.  At least that's what I think it must have been: some widow is getting married and all her property gets sold to three blokes for ten dollars, provided they remit all the income to her, and all at the behest of her new husband.  You'd think he must be a real decent chap if it weren't for the fact that one of the blokes has the same surname as the first husband.
          Anyway, it looks like I'm not going to make the connection: too bad.  Even the Glasgows have vanished: off to Missouri, no doubt.
          It's getting very cold, all down the east coast.  Apparently there are a couple of storms working their way up the Atlantic.  This means, according to the metereologist I heard, a "snow event".  What do you think that means?

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