Sunday, 20 December 2009

Saturday 19th December 2009 - A Snow Job

          I awoke to heavy snow.  It had clearly been snowing most of the night, and wasn't showing any signs of abating. And the flags were standing out stiffly.
I got to sit home and watch a bit of TV.  The advertising is now very 'seasonal'.  There are a lot of adverts for drink, and all dutifully exhort us to "drink responsibly".  What does that mean?  I suppose if one feels responsible for the shareholders and workers of the drink companies, it would mean drinking enormous amounts.  The whole idea of drinking is to be irresponsible.  What they must mean is "don't drink if you have something responsible to do, like bathing a baby, or cooking a frozen chicken".
          As the day progresses, the snow gets deeper and deeper.  We're told that at 4pm they will close the road to other that 4-wheel drives (what that means, in typical American fashion, is that you can drive without 4-wheel, but if you get stuck and cause a problem, there will be  heavy fine).  There is no ploughing or salting yet, because it would simply be a waste.
          Quite a number of pickup trucks have their own plough mounted.  I think this must be because they live out-of-town, but, in fact, they are 'making hay while the sun shines', if you see what I mean, and offering to clear out parking lots and the like.
          I can see the way the wind is blowing, and that later that night is getting earlier and earlier.  I put on my cowboy outfit (well, not the spurs) and trek my way to the NL's bar.  Everyone is cheered into the room.  It is a small, but dedicated band.
          There was a program on the TV about the funniest adverts of the year.  My favourite, in the short-list, was for viagra.  This man is talking to camera.  He is carrying a heavy, antique rocking-horse.  "Me and the wife had got into antiquing in a big way", he says.  "We were doing it most of the time.  Then I started taking viagra, and the antiquing just kind-of stopped."  That was it.
          When I had finished lunch, I demanded a cheer for leaving.  After all, I was on foot.  Now, does that count as responsible drinking?

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