Monday, 29 March 2010

Sunday 28th March 2010 - Floods and Teenagers

          It is the time of year when the snow is melting, so the rivers get a sudden surge.  The mighty Mississippi is well boxed in here, but the boxes, so to speak, are nearly full.  The Minnesota, which flows into the Mississippi, has overflowed and now occupies its entire flood plain, looking like a large lake rather than a (relatively) small river.  The trees on its banks can still be seen tracing its normal path.
          This we see on our way to a teenage birthday party.  I am one of the socially nervous, who can be readily persuaded that teenagers are capable of casual canibalism.  I have been told that modern teenagers actually watch TV programmes where the characters regularly indulge these tastes.  But, being a close cousin, however many times removed, may spare me such a fate, especially as I have had had the foresight to come bearing gifts.
          As it turns out, I get treated like royalty, which means I get introduced to everybody all at once, with someone whispering names in my ear, than get sat in a corner among the favoured few, and only have to wave benignly from time-to-time.
          The favoured few are mostly parents and grandparents.  They have an inexhaustible supply of teenager war stories which are simultaneously hilarious and hair-raising.  Like old soldiers, they vie with each other over the horrors they have survived.  I discreetly keep a thick wedge of them between me and their teenagers: I could get the hang of this royalty stuff.
          Later that night, I contemplate the passing of Palm Sunday.  We're now into Holy Week, or the "home straight" as I think of it.  I can now start edging discretely towards the nearest bar.

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