Friday, 26 March 2010

25th March 2010 - Trouble with the Servants

          One of the servants is lying to me.  Now we're no longer busy, I shall have to find camp drills for them, keep them out of trouble.
          Dulcie suddenly volunteered the number 25361.  Well, it wasn't volunteered, really.  I asked the wrong question, and out it popped.  Seems she's been keeping track of all our travels, unbeknown to me.  And she claims it adds up to the aforementioned 25361.  That's more than once round the world at the thickest bit, which seems a bit unlikely.
          The trusty steeds disagree.  I managed to extract a deathbed confession from Rozzie (RIP) and he coughed up (after a bit of arithmetic) 13793.  Silver is currently boasting a youthful and vigorous 5517.  Which adds up to 19490.  That seems a bit more plausible.  I know that the steeds can generally be a bit optimistic, maybe as much as ten per cent if I don't air them properly, but twenty-five per cent seems a bit high.
          Dulcie is supposed to be the deadly accurate one, so what has she been up to while I'm not there? Was she off on moonlit hayrides?  Dallying with other travellers while I was furthering my librarian studies?  Were her virginal wrappings a mere family deception when we first met?  I have written to her family demanding an explanation.

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