I cruise up and down the main drag looking for a breakfast place. I spot a huge sign outside a restaurant saying "Brunch". So in I go. "Oh, we don't do Brunch anymore". "But it says it in large letters across the front". "Oh", (goes away) "OK, you can have brunch". As I wait, two men sneak hurriedly out of the kitchen and pull the sign down. So I guess they don't do brunch anymore.
The freeze is going to be bad again tonight, so I arrange to meet my Scottish Society friends early in town. I am determined to walk. It's about a mile and a half. It's a kind of bravado. If the power lines come down, I can make it to town on my own. Of course, there is no sidewalk, and the parking lots are, by now, treacherous.
Although I make good progress, I only get halfway before my friends appear beside me. Apparently the planned rendezvous is closed to let the staff get home safely. So we have to find somewhere else. I have a problem getting into their car, because the back door is frozen shut.
The big chain restaurants are still open, and doing good business. The waitress, who obviously works for Social Services, decides us "oldies" ought to pay the bill of the young family at the next table, as well as our own. We are mean, and, after some discussion, decline.
But it's home early, before the roads turn into an ice-rink.
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