Tuesday, 12 January 2010

Monday 11th January - Winning in the Game of Life

           I'm dragged out of the shower by an early phone call.  The caller is clearly a grown-up lady, fevered by yesterday's headlines.  She wants to show me her cairn: well, her husband's cairn, actually.  I told her I didn't get into that sort of thing, but she was fairly insistent.  Then she refused to get out of bed, so, somewhat non-plussed, I went on my own.  Dulcie refused point-blank to help:  what the grown-up lady cryptically referred to as  "The Captain's Lane", Dulcie tartly recognised as "Old Davidson's Spur".
           It turned out to be quite a splendid cairn, nicely engraved, commemorating another Scottish menage-a-trois a quarter of a century ago.
           The trip also enabled me to see the 'welcome' sign on the other side of town, showing a nice marriage of piper and flag:
          On the way back, I managed to visit the pharmacy, to get something for a bit of recent stiffness I've been suffering.  The checkout girl took the trouble to circle something on the receipt, which told me I had won one ticket in the game of life.  I told her I already had one, and didn't expect to get another, not even with what they call here a "Cadillac" health insurance scheme.  She professed not to understand: "whatever", she said.    There's no cure for being young, is there?  No, actually, come to think of it, there is.
[ps  I could have made life easier for myself, and probably you, if, instead of photographing the paper yesterday, I had just pointed into cyberspace, thus: http://www.glasgowdailytimes.com/local/local_story_009164124.html .  Now you can all print it out and gaze shyly at it in secret moments!]

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