Tuesday, 27 October 2009

Monday 26th October 2009 - Another Day, Another Glasgow

          It's time to move on.  I've decided I won't find out any more about this Glasgow till I get to my Postal Symposium next weekend, or perhaps even to the Post Office Archives in DC.  Since I haven't got far to go, I'm alright for a leisurely start.
          I can even afford the luxury of a detour through Glasgow, Columbiana County, Ohio, before I drive south to the Ohio river, then east to Pennsylvania.
          The trees have now definitely changed.  The only green is on those trees which are going to stay that way.  And the others are no longer a magnificent kaleidescope of reds and yellows, but varying shades of brown.
          I've barely crossed the border into Pennsylvania, on highway 68, when, right where I'd been told to expect it, up popped Glasgow:
A quick tour suggests that there's not much left, certainly no 'municipal' presence.
          But I am once again homelesss, so I have to place a premium on finding somewhere to stay.  There's no chance of staying in Glasgow, and an internet search told me that anything nearby was going to be expensive.  I will have a look round Beaver and Monaca, but I'm expecting to end up in Beaver Falls.
          Being homeless, not having a key in my pocket, always leaves me feeling a bit unsettled.  Which is surprising, since this is about the 15th time I've done it in the last six months. 
          Since this is such a short journey, I have plenty of time to cruise around asking for prices.  But I know what's going to happen, and so it turns out.  I settle for a reasonable price up in Beaver Falls.
          I arrive in Beaver Falls around school finishing time, and for the first time on this trip, I see a school bus showing off it's 'do-not-pass' finery.  Stop signs pop out of the sides, and orange and red lights flash everywhere on it.  As is required, everything stops.  The students are obviously quite used to this, since they spill all over the road as they cross. 

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