Saturday, 24 October 2009

Friday 23rd October 2009 - A Bit of a Rest

          My OctoberFast is having its usual effect of trying to put me to sleep.  I also think I might have been the only guest in the motel last night.  Whatever the reason, it was the middle of the morning before I woke up.  The ladies at the breakfast bar expressed great concern.
          I think I need to do more exercise, get the old metabolism moving again.  But having stopped it for so long, it's quite a struggle to get it going again.  This is not a place where you just go out for a walk in the morning.  You really have to find a park and drive to it, so it's all much more planned.  If you go walking on the highway, the law can get concerned for your safety.  Did I tell you that in the police reports in the local paper in North Bend Oregon, someone got charged with walking on the wrong side of the road?  Admittedly there were other charges to suggest that the book was being thrown, but, nonetheless, it was a bit of a surprise to find that that was in the book.
          I made another half-hearted attempt to make a McBean family tree.  It reminded me of one of Bob Newhart's surreal jokes.  He used to have a TV series where he ran a hotel somewhere in Vermont.  Some locals came by to do repairs, and the leader introduced them: (you'll have to do the lower-class northern New England accent for yourself) "My name's Vernon.  And this is my brother Vernon.  And this is my other brother Vernon".  There is, as you can see, no confusion in these names: the confusion lies in figuring out what the names are.
          Anyway, I didn't manage any better than last time.  Even welding their wive's names to them doesn't help as much as it should: two of them even have wives with the same name!
          As I was rummaging about for something to do, I tried to get a better grip on the Lusk Lock from yesterday's ill-fated expedition.  I found a UTube video showing how to get there, and, blow-me-down, I was on exactly the right road.  But, judging from the speed of the cameraman, and the time it took him, I think I had another mile to go.
          And, no doubt, a mile there and a mile back would have done me a bit of good.  I shall have to get myself some autumn outdoor kit and do somemore sightseeing.

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