Friday, 19 June 2009

Thursday 18th June 2009 – Another Arrogant Bastard

Fearing that my appearance on the local television airwaves might overstimulate the local ladies, I decided to hide indoors till darkness fell.  Just to be doubly safe, I donned my cowboy disguise before venturing out.  These precautions were clearly successful: not a single lady recognised me.  I managed to reach my chosen bar for the evening entirely unmolested. 

Perhaps, like a lot of young stars these days, I should accept the price of fame, and put out for my fans, but I have to say that I value my privacy.  If only today's young people could be similarly reserved, the world would be a better, or at least a quieter place.  I can but hope bosoms will be unheaved in a few days.


Meantime, my in-depth investigation into the American beer business continues unabated.  A nice young lady reporter had recommended the bar, which only sells 'micro' beers (that's short for micro-brewery, which, in turn, now refers to the type of product, rather than the size of the factory).  And quite a lot of them too: "What would you recommend", I asked the barman.  He sized me up and then said "Arrogant Bastard".  Well!  I mean to say!  "I can't help the effect I have on women", I said, "it's not arrogance, it's magnetism".

He looked at me for a minute, then he said "no, it's a beer – Arrogant Bastard – it's a beer.   You'll like it".  And I did.  I had several pints.  "You shouldn't", he said, "it's 7.2 percent".  Well, I knew that couldn't be true: draft beer at 7.2 percent?  Never.


I looked it up later.  It's true: it is 7.2 percent: and by volume, not by weight.  Which might explain the effect I had on the ladies on the way home.  Not in my fan club, they weren't, not by a long way.  Let's just hope it was dark enough, and the disguise worked.

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