There hasn't been any free WiFi visible for the last few days (except in Arizona, and I didn't spot that till the plane was about to leave). So it's been a matter of trying to be more disciplined with my notes, which I'm still not very good at.
I can't upload any photos either,'cos I forgot to bring a cable with me. And I have to check out shortly, so I need to try and do this while I have mains electricity.
I've been on the road for five days. I usually sleep in the van when I'm on the move, but tonight I'm in a hotel: in Minnesota, as it happens. How did Minnesota get into it, I hear you cry. That's practically back to square one. Well, I got an invite to a party: a surprise party. And the subject of the surprise might have read this. So I had to move in the dark.
Across five states, I've been. I've seen some extraordinary scenery, so it's a pity I can't put up any photos. Maybe I'll take a timeout and redo this bit.
Anyway, I've spent a night in Kalispell, MT, just south of the Glacier National Park, where I drank in a terrific saloon (with proper swing doors), and slept in Walmart's car park. Crossing the Continental Divide gave me some very impressive scenery.
And I've been driving for two days to get to Seattle. I slept in the airport there, which is just as well, because the airline phoned me at four in the morning to tell me my carefully-chosen flight was seriously delayed. The phone call gave me time to get to the check-in desk and get on the 5.15 flight to Phoenix (Apparently, if you're an American traveller, you can tell which airline someone has flown with by the intermediate stop: Phoenix means US Airways).
If you see Phoenix from the air (and I've only seen it from the air), it has a lot of little mountains sticking out of it. I spent four hours in Phoenix. But I got to Minneapolis more or less in time: for the party, that is.
Now I have to close, and get a plane back to Seattle.
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