Tuesday, 9 June 2009

Monday 8th June 2009 – Will I Ever Get It Right?

This is going to have to be a bit brief, because, well … I'll tell you in a minute. 


I went out to make sure I had copies of the borrowed document which argued for a deliberate choice of "Glasgow" as a name for here.  Now I've discovered that I missed the crucial page.  I'm getting used to this.  I should have done all those memory exercises my teachers recommended, instead of thinking I could plan it out all right and remember in context.  Every context I set up dissolves in front of my eyes.  I wonder if this is good for me.


Then I went on to plan the 'nips and tucks' of the video record, those bits I might need to illuminate a voice-over, the few bits of piece-to-camera I might need, and one or two scenes which are important to the image I've formed of Glasgow, MT.

Then, this morning, very early, the phone rang.  At a time suggesting something was wrong.  "Would you like to go to a branding today?"

("I can't, I can't, I've got a whole day planned.  I have to pack up Wednesday, so there is only this today for these bits of video" my mind says, desperately.  Then the panic subsides, and the lessons of the last month assert themselves.)  "Of course I would.  That's wonderful.  What do I have to do?"

"Just be ready by ten.  We'll pick you up."


So I'm off to a branding.  I may not get any record of it at all, except in my head.  I'll just have to try and pay attention: that'll make a change.

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