Monday, 20 July 2009

Sunday 19th July 2009 – Gone Fishin’

Glasgow MO, or perhaps it's the whole MO, requires Sunday beer drinking to be done at home in secret. I complained to the young lady in the beer shop: "We're a Christian town", she said defensively. "So is mine", I said, belligerently. Of course, the Walter Mitty version has me saying "But what marks Christians apart from YOU-KNOW-WHO is drinking beer on a Sunday".

It is more likely that there is not enough business for the bars on a Sunday.

I went fishing in the morning. I had met two young men the previous night who had been out setting their lines. Today they were going to pull them in. They thought I would enjoy it. So did I.

The Missouri, at least around Glasgow, at least on a Sunday morning, is exquisitely peaceful.


So we dropped the boat in the river


and whizzed off to find the lines


They just tie them to a rock


then collect the fish




and back to the Sunday peace of Glasgow


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